Free Guided Meditation | Our Call With John Burgos on Beyond the Ordinary

I identify myself as an introvert.  I feel most comfortable behind the design table drawing and working with gemstones or writing.  Christy is much more extroverted, but she also values her privacy.  So when none other than John Burgos from Beyond the Ordinary reached out to us and invited us to get on a publicly broadcast call with him and his amazing audience, I was excited, honored, and a little bit scared.  We said Yes immediately though...a good example of pushing through the fear to the goodness that lies beyond.  

To put this in perspective, I have been listening to Beyond the Ordinary since Season 5 or 6...and it has become such a part of my life that I listen to John's calls and amazing speakers almost every day.  When there are no live calls I listen to replays.  I am always blown away by the relevance of the content to my life, and feel so grateful when John and his speakers explain the energies going on at any given time.  It always resonates so deeply.  One of my favorite parts of the calls are the activations and guided meditations.  I often listen to them before going to bed, and they often send me into orbit.  John's voice has been a constant in my life guiding me and uplifting me, so to be contacted by him and find myself on the other end of a call was just mind-blowing and such and honor.  Thank you Universe!

As small business-owners, Christy and I wear many hats so to get a chance to pause and tell our story on such a public platform and to explain why we are so passionate about what we do was beautiful.  She and I are both students of energy medicine and are very drawn to shamanic traditions.  Our collections of crystals and carvings are some of our most valuable possessions.  When we create jewelry we use symbols and words that have been helpful in our own journeys.  Especially in times of darkness, it is by wearing these symbols to focus our intentions and energies that has helped us push through to grow and rise up.  

Oftentimes Christy and I will be somewhere together and we will see someone and intuitively feel from their energies what they need in their lives at that point in time to progress on their journey.  We love gifting people with something they can wear and keep on their bodies as a tactile reminder to help them focus on what it is that they need.  Our jewelry acts as tools to help people focus their energies and intentions for their own self-empowerment and self-healing.  

Now that we have a website and are often reaching people that we do not meet in person, it is so important for us to be able to share the story of why we design and what we are creating, and how to use it.  We are so excited that John and his amazing team offered us this clip of the guided meditation Christy and I recorded on his call.   During the meditation we lead you through a process to cleanse, receive a message from, and charge your own crystal or piece of jewelry.  We invite you to try it with something special to you.  

Instructions before listening:

Please select a meaningful and inspirational object, crystal, or piece of jewelry that you feel called to as being an important guide in your life on your personal journey at this time in your life. 

Together we are going to be clearing all energies that no longer serve you and your higher self from this sacred item, and receiving the energies and intention that WILL help you focus your intentions to benefit your higher self and the energies of those around you.


We are so grateful to John and his entire Beyond the Ordinary Team and his community for allowing us the space to be safe to share in.  We encourage you to join his community and listen to his line-up of incredible speakers, visionaries, healers, and way showers playing a huge role in raising the collective vibration.

Click here to read more about our dear friend John Burgos, the visionary who created this platform:

We believe that LOVE is enough, and that in everything we do we can always choose LOVE.  Thank YOU for being such incredible parts of our journey, YOU, our brothers and sisters.  We are grateful for you and send you our love.  In gratitude.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.


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